Row: CRUD operations on rows and columns

Row objects provide access and manipulation on colunns and rows. Single and multiple operations are available and are documented below.

Grab an instance of "Row"

const myRow = hbase({}).table('my_table').row('my_row')


const client = new hbase.Client({})
const myRow = new hbase.Row(client, 'my_table', 'my_row')

Retrieve values from HBase

myRow.get([column], [options], callback)

Column is optional and corresponds to a column family optionally followed by a column name separated with a column (":").

An optional object of options may contains the following properties:

  • start
    Timestamp indicating the minimal version date.
  • end
    Timestamp indicating the maximal version date.
  • v
    Maximum number of returned versions.

Note: In our current release of HBase (0.98) the "v" option only work if a column is provided.

A callback parameter is required and receives two arguments, an error object if any and the column value.

.get('my_column_family', {from: 1285942515900}, (error, value) => {

Print something like:

[ { "column": "my_column_family:"
  , "timestamp": 1285942722246
  , "$": "my value 1"
, { "column": "my_column_family:"
  , "timestamp": 1285942705504
  , "$": "my value 2"
, { "column": "my_column_family:my_column"
  , "timestamp": 1285942515955
  , "$": "my value 3"

Attempting to retrieve a column which does not exist in HBase will return a null value and an error whose code property is set to 404.

.get('my_column_family:my_column', (error, value) => {
  assert.strictEqual(404, error.code)
  assert.strictEqual(null, value)

API: row.get

Retrieve values from one or multiple rows.

Values from multiple rows is achieved by appending a suffix glob on the row key. Note the new "key" property present in the returned objects.

.get('my_column_family:my_column', (error, value) => {

Print something like

[ { "key": "my_key_1"
  , "column": "my_column_family:my_column"
  , "timestamp": 1285942781739
  , "$": "my value 1"
, { "key": "my_key_2"
  , "column": "my_column_family:my_column"
  , "timestamp": 12859425923984
  , "$": "my value 2"

API: row.put

Insert and update one or multiple column values.

Single value

myRow.put(column, data, [timestamp], callback)

Column is required and corresponds to a column family optionnally followed by a column name separated with a column (":").

Callback is optional and receive two arguments, an error object if any and a boolean indicating whether the column was inserted/updated or not.

.put('my_column_family:my_column', 'my value', (error, success) => {
  assert.strictEqual(true, success)

Multiple values

myRow.put(columns, values, [timestamps], callback)
myRow.put(data, callback)

Inserting values into multiple columns is achieved the same way as for a single column but the column and data arguments must be an array of the same length.

  ['my_column_family:my_column_1', 'my_column_family:my_column_2'],
  ['my value 1', 'my value 2'],
  (error, success) => {
    assert.strictEqual(true, success);

Alternatively, you could provide an array of cells as below:

const cells =
  [ { column: 'cf:c1', timestamp:, $: 'my value' }
  , { column: 'cf:c2', timestamp:, $: 'my value' }
  , { column: 'cf:c1', timestamp:, $: 'my value' }
.put(cells, (error, success) => {
  assert.strictEqual(true, success)

Multiple rows

myRow.put(data, callback)

HBase allows us to send multiple cells from multiple rows in batch. To achieve it, construct a new row with a null key and provide the put function with an array of cells. Each cell objects must include the row key, column and $ properties while timestamp is optional.

const rows = 
  [ { key: 'row_1', column: 'cf:c1', timestamp:, $: 'my value' }
  , { key: 'row_1', column: 'cf:c2', timestamp:, $: 'my value' }
  , { key: 'row_2', column: 'cf:c1', timestamp:, $: 'my value' }
.put(rows, (error,success) => {
  assert.strictEqual(true, success)

API: row.exists

Test if a row or a column exists.

myRow.exists([column], callback);

The column argument is optional and corresponds to a column family optionally followed by a column name separated with a colon character (":").

The callback argument is required and receives two arguments, an error object if any and a boolean value indicating whether the column exists or not.

Example to see if a row exists:

.exists((error, exists) => {
  assert.strictEqual(true, exists)

Example to see if a column exists:

.exists('my_column_family:my_column', (error, exists) => {
  assert.strictEqual(true, exists)

API: row.delete

Delete one or multiple rows or columns.

Delete a single row or column

myRow.delete([column], callback);

Column is optional and corresponds to a column family optionnally followed by a column name separated with a column (":").

Callback is required and receive two arguments, an error object if any and a boolean indicating whether the column exists or not.

Example to delete a row:

.delete((error, success) => {
  assert.strictEqual(true, success)

Example to delete a column:

.delete('my_column_family:my_column', (error, success) => {
  assert.strictEqual(true, success)

Delete multiple rows or columns

Deleting multiple columns is achieved by providing an array of columns as the first argument.

  ['my_column_family:my_column_1', 'my_column_family:my_column_2'],
  (error, success) => {
    assert.strictEqual(true, success)